Thursday, June 24, 2010


I made this back in november, its a profile of my head. Was an art project, nice and 3D like

Some Illegal Things

Dent May! Hes a wonderful Uke player :)

Hard to tell what it is, but on the right you have Lady Justice and on the left you have the Statue of Liberty. And well, they're making out

If you know Wingnut, then you know this.... Unfortunatly my red SUCKS

Random girl, but she is very pretty, and this is my favorite stencil i've put up.

I didn't have a head for him, because i really wanted to use a peice of toast stencil, but its just not easy at all to stencil toast... so I used my premade sun as a head

Doodle pro

I did this on the webcam with Brandon
So, here is another Queen Zoie drawing playing with Prince Brandon!

Queen Zoie! Floral foam!

If you knew me at all, you would know that I have my very own, mascot per say, and she is Queen Zoie.

She can even stand up on her own. Also, you have no idea how hard it was to spray paint her :) haha

Foam Sculpture

Started out as a floral foam block, after carving, hot gluing, and spray painting this is the end result :)
The hole goes all the way through the pupil, the sticky-out bits are supposed to be the veins that connect to your brain or whatever lol

Side veiw

the front. its an eyeball as you can see, also very hard to paint accurately via spray paint

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tempra Self Portrait

This is a self portrait I did, it is exceedingly hard to work with tempra paint you have no idea.
I only had access to the three primary colors as well as white and black. So i think it turned out QUITE well.


Sculpting is my favorite thing ever, so yeah. This is one of the coolest things i've ever done in my mind :)
These are the ribssss ;D

Side veiw

I thought the red was a nice touch!

I wish that the box lid hadn't curled up so much but thats the only thing I don't like about this.
Plus i love the GLAZING!

Arizonian Finger Cactus

I painted the front :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Two small Stencils

this is a sun haha, I really like it. er- i made it for my mom

MOHAWK. Like me, I collect pictures of mohawks, so i decided to do a stencil of one. It broke after I used it though.